Gnesen Township home destroyed

July 20 – A home in Gnesen Township is considered a total loss, the result of an early morning fire. The blaze was reported around 2:30 a.m. in the 3600 block of Echo Lane. The occupants were able to safely evacuate after the home’s smoke detectors started alarming. One adult female was evaluated and treated for possible smoke inhalation. No other injuries were reported. The Gnesen, Rice Lake, Normanna, Lakewood, Canosia, North Star, and Minnesota Air National Guard fire departments were dispatched, along with the Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service. The cause of the fire is not considered suspicious, but is being investigated in cooperation with the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office.

Two great training opportunities in the region!

Recreational vehicle fire in Greenwood Township

July 3 – Greenwood Township and Tower firefighters were dispatched early this morning to a recreational vehicle fire in Greenwood Township, near Tower. The fire was reported around 1:00 a.m. at the intersection of St. Louis County Highway 77 and the Vermilion Reservation Road. St. Louis County Sheriff’s officials say the vehicle overheated and came to a stop. The driver and owner from Cook then noticed flames coming from the engine compartment. The vehicle is considered a total loss.

Chisholm public safety center dedicated

July 2 – Ribbon cutting ceremonies were held today for Chisholm’s brand new public safety center. An estimated 100 local residents were in attendance. The facility replaces the over 100 year old firehall/police station and the city’s ambulance garage. The cost was around $12 million with funding coming from federal, state, and local sources. The new building will house the police department, fire department, and paramedic ambulance service.

Chisholm Fire Department apparatus and a Chisholm ambulance on display at the ribbon cutting.
Chisholm Mayor Adam Lantz, who is also a firefighter and EMT addresses the gathering.
The Chisholm Police Department, Chisholm Fire Department and Chisholm Paramedic Ambulance Service will operate out of the new building.

Vacant Eveleth apartment house fire

July 1 – Multiple fire departments from across the Iron Range were dispatched this evening to a fire at a vacant apartment house in Eveleth. The fire was reported in the 500 block of Adams Avenue. The first alarm brought in crews from Eveleth, Fayal Township, Gilbert, Virginia, and Mountain Iron. Additional resources were dispatched from the Clinton Township, Lakeland, Biwabik Township, and City of Biwabik fire departments. Through a combination of interior and exterior fire attacks, firefighters were able to keep the blaze contained to the interior of the large structure. The Eveleth Ambulance Service provided medical standby while the Eveleth Police Department and the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Department assisted with traffic control. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Gilbert’s aerial ladder is positioned in front of the building
Firefighters were positioned at the back of the large building.

Cook funeral home damaged

June 29 – A late night fire damaged part of the exterior of the Mlaker Funeral Home in Cook. The fire was reported around 11:50 p.m. Cook firefighters quickly knocked down the fire, which was near a rear entrance to the building. The Pike-Sandy-Britt and Kinney-Great Scott Fire departments were also dispatched, but were cancelled enroute. The Cook Ambulance Service provided medical standby at the scene. No injuries were reported and the cause remains under investigation.

Cook firefighters quickly contained the fire to the exterior of the funeral home.

Fireman’s Olympics set for Hoyt Lakes Water Carnival

Flooding devastates downtown Cook

June 18 – Severe thunderstorms, packing heavy rains, left a trail of devastation across northeastern Minnesota tonight. Streets, roads, and highways across a wide area ended up being flooded or even washed out. One of the hardest hit communities was the City of Cook. The nearby Littlefork River overflowed its banks and flooded the downtown area. Businesses like the VFW, Comet Theater, Montana Cafe, and Frank’s Pharmacy had extensive damage from the high waters. Public safety and public works officials shut down streets leading into the downtown area. City officials and business owners are now assessing damages and preparing information that will be used to seek state and federal disaster assistance. Governor Tim Walz and other high ranking state officials toured the city and vowed to help restore the community’s public infrastructure.

One of the Cook Fire Department’s ladder trucks is used to block the main entrance leading into the downtown area.

Virginia garage destroyed

June 25 – Firefighters from Virginia, Eveleth, Mountain Iron, Hibbing, and Fayal Township were dispatched this morning to a garage fire in Virginia. The blaze was reported around 7:20 a.m. in the 100 block of 5th Street South. Arriving firefighters found the garage involved in heavy flames with the fire spreading to another nearby garage. Firefighters using an exterior attack were able to quickly knock down the fire. One garage was a total loss and the other garage had extensive damage. No injuries were reported. Second Avenue South, between 5th and 7th Street South was closed down for over two hours. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Virginia Fire Marshal’s Office.

Arriving firefighters encountered heavy fire conditions and prepared for an exterior fire attack.
Second Avenue South, near the fire scene, was closed down for over two hours.

Pole barn destroyed in Bearville

June 20 – Fire destroyed a pole barn in Bearville Township this evening. Bearville, French Township, and Chisholm firefighters were paged out around 8;50 p.m. to the Watson Bay Road. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.