MCI exercise in Eveleth

September 23 – EMS, fire, rescue, and law enforcement personnel from several agencies participated in a simulated Mass Casually Incident (MCI) at the Southside Park in Eveleth. The exercise involved nearly 30 patients in a SUV-bus crash. Drill Coordinator Caitlin Korpi of the Eveleth Ambulance Service said she was very pleased with the overall operation.

VFD performs public service operation

September 25- Virginia firefighters use the department’s aerial ladder truck to retrieve the American flag from Washington Manor in Virginia. The flag pole at the senior apartment building became bent during Sunday’s thunderstorm. Firefighters not only retrieved Old Glory, but assisted with the flag’s hoisting rope.

The Northland remembers September 11!

The Hibbing Department, as it has done every year, held a 911 observance this morning outside of the department’s headquarters building. The master of ceremonies for the event was Battalion Chief Chris Petrack, who has personally visited the 911 site in New York. The event was attended by area clergy, Hibbing Mayor Rick Cannata, along with members of the public. In his speech, Petrack made mention of the 343 FDNY firefighters who died on September 11, as well as those who have passed away as a result of illnesses related to being directly involved in the rescue and recovery operations.

Eveleth firefighter shows caring for Hurricane Harvey victims

September 8 – Eveleth firefighter Dave Poderzay has shown what it takes to be a compassionate and caring public servant. Poderzay’s trucking company is hauling a load of critical items to Hurricane Harvey victims in the Houston area. Area residents quickly filled his trailer with everything from diapers to bottled water to a huge stuffed teddy bear.

Eveleth firefighter Dave Poderzay.

Ellsburg FD picks up pumper

The Ellsburg Fire Department has picked up a 1995 Ford/Custom Rescue pumper from the Lino Lakes Public Safety Department. The engine has a two stage 1,500 GPM Waterous pump, 750 gallon poly tank, and Class A and Class B foam capabilities. The engine was placed in service in August.

Cherry receives AFG funding

The Cherry Fire Department has been notified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that it is receiving an Assistance to Firefighters Grant. The $96,215 will be used for operations and safety.

EMS/fire personnel respond to car-motorcycle crash

August 12-EMS and fire personnel from several agencies responded to a late afternoon car-motorcyle crash at Highway 53 and Townline Road in Fayal Township. The crash was reported around 5:30 p.m. Those responding to the call included: Fayal EMS and Fire, Eveleth EMS, and Virginia EMS. The motorcyclist was airlifted by Lifelink to a Duluth hospital with multiple injuries.

Burn To Learn underway in Eveleth

For the last several days, firefighters and fire investigators have been in Eveleth taking part in Burn To Learn Training at the former Holiday Inn. “This is a wonderful training opportunity,” said Virginia Fire Chief Allen Lewis. Area firefighters were given a chance to see how fires start and how to suppress them. Investigators also had a chance to sharpen their skills. The training involved the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office, and various public and private investigation firms.

Buhl receives $38,250 AFG award

The Buhl Fire Department is receiving $38,250 in an Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The funding will be used for operations and safety. The grant was announced today.

Clinton FD receives federal fire apparatus grant

The Clinton Township Fire Department has received notification from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that it will be receiving $303,048 for a fire apparatus. The grant was announced today. A fire department spokesperson told The Northland Fire Wire that they’re excited about the grant as the department has tried repeatedly for such funding.