Multiple departments at Virginia house fire, police officer rescues three people

July 5 – Over a dozen Iron Range fire departments were on the scene of a large house fire in the northside area of Virginia. The fire was reported around 11:20 a.m. in the 700 block of 11th Street North. Just prior to the arrival of Virginia firefighters, a Virginia police officer used a neighbor’s ladder to rescue a toddler and two adults from the roof of the front porch. One Virginia firefighter was treated on the scene for heat exhaustion as temperatures on the fire scene were in the low 90’s. The house is deemed a total loss and houses on each side were damaged. Fire departments responding to the fire besides Virginia included: Mountain Iron, Eveleth, Fayal Township, Gilbert, Biwabik, Biwabik Township, Clinton, Cherry, Hibbing, Pike-Sandy-Britt, Cook, and Hoyt Lakes. The Eveleth and Biwabik ambulance services provided emergency medical services in the area and the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Rescue Squad assisted in providing rehabilitation services at the scene. The Virginia Fire Marshal’s Office and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office are investigating the cause of the blaze.

Firefighters use defensive tactics to bring the house fire under control.
Firefighters from multiple departments were involved in fighting the blaze in Virginia this morning.
Aerial view of the fire damage in the 700 block of 11th Street North. This picture is from the AirFire 1 drone operated by The Northland Fire Wire, in cooperation with the Virginia Fire Department.

Palo home destroyed

July 4 – Three Iron Range fire departments were dispatched early this morning to a house fire in the Palo area. The blaze was reported around 5:20 a.m. in the 4400 block of County Highway 100. The house was already engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived. The Palo, Lakeland, and Colvin Township fire departments were on the scene. A family dog is believed to have died in the fire. No one was home at the time. The Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office is assisting the Palo Fire Department in determining the cause of the fire.

Palo, Lakeland, and Colvin firefighters work to control this morning’s house fire in Palo.
The Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office is assisting the Palo Fire Department in determining the cause of the fire.

Palo, Lakeland, and Colvin Township apparatus positioned on County Highway 100.

Fire destroys two police vehicles and damages Virginia City Hall

July 3 – The Virginia Fire Marshal and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office are investigating the cause of today’s vehicle fire inside the Virginia Police Department garage, located in the Virginia City Hall complex in the 300 block of 1st Street South. The fire was reported around 11:20 a.m. Arriving Virginia firefighters found one police vehicle engulfed in flames with the fire spreading to another police vehicle. The police department and city hall complex were evacuated and no injuries were reported. The two vehicles are a total loss and there are varying amounts of smoke damage in city hall. Fire departments responding to the blaze included: Virginia, Mountain Iron, Eveleth, Gilbert, Fayal Township and Pike-Sandy-Britt. The Hibbing Fire Department was also dispatched, but was cancelled enroute. Virginia city officials are assessing the damages to the garage and city hall. The fire was fought with outside temperatures in the high 80’s and low 90’s.

Heavy smoke erupts from both ends of the Virginia Police Department garage. The garage is attached to the Virginia city hall.
Fayal Fire Chief Steve Shykes, who acted as Safety Officer during the fire, assesses the damage to the Virginia Police Department garage.
With temperatures in the high 80’s and low 90’s, heat exhaustion and heat stroke were major concerns during the fire. A rehabilitation area was quickly established in a nearby parking lot.

Wildland fire on Lake Vermilion island

June 27 – Several fire departments including the Minnesota DNR and instructors from Central Lakes College were involved in fighting a wildland fire tonight (Saturday) on Pine Island on Lake Vermilion. The fire, which consumed about an acre and half, was on a rugged part of the island, made firefighting efforts difficult. Departments responding included: Greenwood, Tower, and Breitung Township. The college instructors were in the area, providing weekend courses at the Tower Fire Department. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Photos courtesy of Central Lakes College.

The rough terrain made firefighting difficult and in some cases, treacherous.

West Eveleth vehicle fire

June 25 – Eveleth and Fayal firefighters work to knock down a vehicle fire which occurred this afternoon in the West Eveleth area. The fire was at the corner of 14th Avenue West and 2nd Street West. The vehicle was a total loss. No injuries were reported. The cause is under investigation.

Biwabik apartment house extensively damaged

May 6 – Seven Iron Range fire departments battled an apartment house fire in Biwabik this evening. The blaze was reported around 5:30 p.m. in the 300 block of 1st Avenue North. The building appears to have extensive damage, especially in the roof and attic areas. Fire departments on the scene included: Biwabik, Biwabik Township, Lakeland, Aurora, Gilbert, Virginia, and Fayal Township. The Biwabik Ambulance Service provided medical standby at the scene while the Gilbert and East Range police departments assisted in traffic control. There were no reports of any injuries. The cause is under investigation.

Firefighters work to bring the apartment house fire under control.
Virginia firefighters attempt to knock down the fire in the roof area.

Angora home extensively damaged

April 24 – Over half a dozen Cook area fire departments battled a house fire in Angora Township, south of Cook, this morning. The blaze was reported around 6:30 a.m. in the 8900 block of State Highway 1. The house was extensively damaged and no injuries were reported. Departments responding included: Cook, Pike-Sandy-Britt, Evergreen, Vermilion Lake, Lake Vermilion Fire Brigade, Orr, and Embarrass. The Cook Ambulance Service provided medical standby and rehab at the scene. The St. Louis County Sheriff’s Department assisted in traffic control. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Rural Hibbing wildland fire consumes over four acres

April 20 – Firefighters from Hibbing and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources battled a wildland fire this evening in rural Hibbing. The fire was reported around 6:30 p.m. along Highway 169, south of the Mitchell Bridge. The fire consumed about four and half acres. Several homes in the area were threatened. The DNR brought in a tracked vehicle as well as a helicopter. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation. The fire danger in the Arrowhead Region ranges from Moderate to High. No burning permits are being issued at this time.

Stove fire at Virginia restaurant

April 18 – Firefighters from three Iron Range fire departments responded this evening to a report of a fire at Cazadores Mexican Cuisine at the Thunderbird Mall in Virginia. The fire was reported around 6:50 p.m. in the kitchen area. Several employees, who were working in the business at the time, safely exited the building. The fire was contained to the stove area. No injuries were reported. Departments responding to the alarm included: Virginia, Mountain Iron, and Eveleth. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Virginia Fire Marshal.

The Virginia, Mountain Iron, and Eveleth fire departments responded to the fire at Cazadores Mexican Cuisine at the Thunderbird Mall in Virginia.
A Virginia firefighter climbs to the roof of Thunderbird Mall to check on the restaurant vent system.

Attic fire at Chisholm four-plex

October 12 – Chisholm firefighters battled an early morning attic fire in a four-plex on 2nd Avenue Southwest. The fire was reportedly shortly before 3:00 a.m. The damage was limited to the contents in the attic. Three of the four apartments were occupied at the time. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office. Photo courtesy of the Chisholm Fire Department.