November 11 – Multiple fire departments from across the Iron Range battled a large fire this evening in downtown Hibbing. Shortly after 9:00 p.m., the Hibbing, Chisholm, Keewatin, and Virginia fire departments were dispatched to Yoder Building Supply, located in the 1800 block of 3rd Avenue East. Arriving crews saw heavy smoke and flames coming from the building and started a defensive attack. The Mountain Iron, Nashwauk, Fayal Township, Eveleth and Grand Rapids departments were also dispatched and were on the scene. At the height of the blaze, three aerial apparatus (Hibbing, Virginia, Grand Rapids) were in operation. No injuries have been reported. The building is considered to be a total loss. The Hibbing Fire Marshal’s Office and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s will be investigating the cause of the fire. During the fire, several teenagers brought bottled water to the crews. “This was a great act of kindness,” said one Chisholm fire officer.