September 17 – Many have heard about the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Every year, the federal agency provides tens of millions of dollars to fire departments for needed equipment ranging from fire engines to self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to rescue equipment and a lot more. Throughout Minnesota, departments have greatly benefitted from the grants and northeastern Minnesota is no exception. However, a good number of people may not be aware that the AFG Program has also funded training props, like the three used this evening in Biwabik Township. The props, fed by propane, included a BBQ fire, car fire, and propane tank fire. “We are pleased that the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office can provide these resources, particularly to the rural parts of the state,” said one fire department training officer. “The training props offer effective and safe training opportunities for our firefighters. We couldn’t ask for a better situation!” Under the guidance of skilled instructors, the training exercises, coupled with the props, lead to team building, effective fireground communications, and most of all, proven and safe firefighting tactics. Those departments participating in tonight’s training included: Biwabik Township, Biwabik, Lakeland, Fayal Township, Gilbert, Virginia, and Hibbing. Lakes Gas provided the propane for the training props.

Iron Range fire departments take part in “live fire training” in Biwabik Township.