Former McDavitt Fire Chief Gail Lanyk was recently named Firefighter of the Year by the Minnesota State Fire Department Association(MSFDA). The award took place during the organization’s annual meeting in St. Cloud. Chief Lanyk was honored for her 42 years of dedicated service to the McDavitt Fire Department, with 16 of those years as fire chief. In writing her nomination for the award, McDavitt Fire Chief Stan Sokoloski praised Lanyk for her work as not only a firefighter, but a fire instructor. “She is willing and teaches anyone firefighting,” said Sokoloski. “Our department has accomplished much thru Gail Lanyk’s professionalism and outstanding leadership and she has shown the community what a fire department can do for the community.” Chief Lanyk started the Junior Firefighter Program with three individuals. Two of the junior firefighters have remained with the department and one is attending fire school to make firefighting her career. Chief Lanyk is a member of the St. Louis County Radio User Board and an active member of the Arrowhead EMS Association.
Editor’s Note: Gail Lanyk represents what being a true professional is all about. Her dedication is second to none and she is well deserving of this award. Congratulations Gail!
Former McDavitt Fire Chief named MSFDA Firefighter of the Year
July 13, 2015 By