Ammonium Nitrate tanker rolls over near Hibbing Taconite

August 16 – A semi tractor trailer carrying Ammonium Nitrate rolled over near the entrance to Hibbing Taconite on St. Louis County Highway 5.  The incident was reported around 8:20 a.m. and required the resources of four area fire departments (Hibbing, Chisholm, French Township and the Hibbing Taconite Fire Brigade).  Hibbing firefighters assessed the damages to the tanker and contained leaking fluids from the semi truck.  It was determined that none of the Ammonium Nitrate (42,000 pounds)was spilled.  The highway was shut down for a number of hours in order to establish a safe zone around the accident.  The driver of the tanker received minor injuries.  The cause of the rollover is under investigation.

Photo: Hibbing Fire Department