Editorial-HFD’s Honorary Firefighter event sends a great message!

This past Saturday, the Hibbing Fire Department named Harold Koenig as an Honorary Firefighter.  The story about Harold, which appeared right here on this website and our Facebook page, has generated a lot of very positive comments.  Harold’s story is not unique.  Throughout this country, there are many, many people like Harold.  Yes, they are challenged and they do have special needs.  However, what they have to offer is so much more.  For one, their extreme dedication and loyalty can’t be matched.  I bet every Hibbing firefighter will tell you that Harold’s love for the fire department and its members is simply remarkable.  You could never ask for a more loyal supporter.

The Hibbing Fire Department’s event for Harold sends a strong message to the community.  For that matter, it’s a message to everyone.  Those who are mentally and physically challenged are wonderful assets that should be treasured and recognized.  They represent the best of humanity!  These special individuals strive for being accepted and that is very difficult at times. Sadly, there are many who shun these folks because they are a little different.  What the Hibbing Fire Department did on Saturday is noble, but more importantly, groundbreaking!  I congratulate IAFF Local 173 and Fire Chief Scott Nehiba for stepping forward and taking this wonderful step forward.  You have “set the bar” for people like Harold.  Now, let’s see who else will take up the challenge!